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about me ... with a head full of creative ideas


I am Claudia - web designer, illustrator, author, artist, volunteer carer and graduate engineer in architecture from Upper Lusatia and currently art director for a Berlin internet agency.
I enjoy beautiful images, creative designs and well-thought-out design concepts that break new ground. I like the possibilities of CSS3, SCSS & HTML5, especially the linking of illustrations and animations.

If you would like to use my images, please send me a message and we will clarify the details on how to use them.

contact me


As an author and illustrator, I have contributed to several books:

  • Das Querxenkind - wie Liba zu den Menschen kam,
    2014, ISBN: 978-3941908581, Oberlausitzer Verlag, Claudia Dabischa
    Text and illustrations, book set (except Cover)
  • Bautzen - Auf der Spur rätselhafter Entdeckungen,
    2016, ISBN: 978-3941908802, Oberlausitzer Verlag, Andreas Gerth and Claudia Dabischa
    Illustrations and some text, book set
  • Oberlausitzer Sagenwelt - Mein großes Ausmalbuch,
    2020, ISBN: 978-3946795285, Oberlausitzer Verlag, Andreas Gerth and Claudia Dabischa
    Coloring pages and puzzles, book set

Other books I contributed to

I also have, among other things, contributed illustrations (and some photos) to the following books:

  • Illustrations and book set: Oberlausitzer Familienkalenderbuch Vintages 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023; Ed. Oberlausitzer Verlag
  • Cover illustration: Ostrandgeschichten, Anthology, Ed. Oberlausitzer Verlag
  • Cover illustration and book set: Reiseerinnerungen aus drei Erdteilen – insbesondere aus Palästina von Otto Tutschke 1895, Uwe and Daniela Kahl
  • Illustrations and book set: aus dr Nubberschoaft, Ed.: Hans Klecker
  • Illustrations, Photos and book set: Der Großmutter in den Kochtopf geguckt - Typisch Oberlausitz, edition of 2020, Hans Klecker
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