Rotating gear with 3D effect CSS snippet
The rotating gear is made up of several offset SVGs, each rotating, creating the optical illusion of a 3D effect.
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html{ scroll-behavior: smooth; will-change: transform; } :root{ --top: 0.05rem; --left: 0.06rem; } .cd-gear-container{ width: 6rem; height: 6rem; } .cd-spin { position: relative; transform-style: preserve-3d; transform:skew(175deg, 0deg); transform-origin: 50% 50%; } .cd-gear-container img { position: absolute; animation: spin 15s infinite steps(600,end); will-change: transform; transform: translateZ(0); } .cd-gear-container img:nth-child(1) { top:var(--top); left:var(--left); z-index:1; } .cd-gear-container img:nth-child(2) { top:calc(2 * var(--top)); left:calc(2 * var(--left)); z-index:2; } .cd-gear-container img:nth-child(3) { top:calc(3 * var(--top)); left:calc(3 * var(--left)); z-index:3; } .cd-gear-container img:nth-child(4) { top:calc(4 * var(--top)); left:calc(4 * var(--left)); z-index:4; } .cd-gear-container img:nth-child(5) { top:calc(5 * var(--top)); left:calc(5 * var(--left)); z-index:5; } .cd-gear-container img:nth-child(6) { top:calc(6 * var(--top)); left:calc(6 * var(--left)); z-index:6; } .cd-gear-container img:nth-child(7) { top:calc(7 * var(--top)); left:calc(7 * var(--left)); z-index:7; } .cd-gear-container img:nth-child(8) { top:calc(8 * var(--top)); left:calc(8 * var(--left)); z-index:8; } .cd-gear-container img:nth-child(9) { top:calc(9 * var(--top)); left:calc(9 * var(--left)); z-index:9; } .cd-gear-container img:nth-child(10) { top:calc(10 * var(--top)); left:calc(10 * var(--left)); z-index:10; } @keyframes spin{ 0%{transform: rotate(0deg);} 100%{transform: rotate(360deg) ;} }
<div class="cd-gear-container" > <div class="cd-spin"> <img src="gear-12.svg"> <img src="gear-11.svg"> <img src="gear-10.svg"> <img src="gear-9.svg"> <img src="gear-8.svg"> <img src="gear-7.svg"> <img src="gear-6.svg"> <img src="gear-5.svg"> <img src="gear-7.svg"> <img src="gear-1.svg"> </div> </div>
download SVG-Files (zip, 12 kb)It would also be possible to work with a single SVG file (but 10 img tags) colored using :nth-child and filter, but this has a significant impact on the CPU.